What is Shopcall co-browsing and what it can do for your e-commerce

What is Shopcall co-browsing and what it can do for your e-commerce

Co-browsing refers to shared browsing by two or more people who access the same web page at the same time.

It is a very useful technology for digital customer service that allows you to guide customers in navigating a site or an e-commerce, and assist them with the various activities and functions.

Thanks to co-browsing, you create an interactive experience where you can show customers what to do instead of just telling them. Thanks to Shopcall, customer care consultants can offer co-browsing to the customer during a video chat session, or when they deem it useful.

By adding co-browsing to your brand website, you will take your customer service to the next level

And with Shopcall everything is very simple. Customers don’t need to download any tools or software, or even leave their browsers to participate, and most importantly, there will be no leakage of sensitive information.

Co-browsing allows your customer care advisors to see exactly what the customer is seeing on their screen, right through their web browser.

The consultant can therefore assist the customer by giving directions and support as if he were in the presence.

While most commonly used in customer service scenarios, co-browsing can also be used by sales teams to improve the digital customer experience and conversion rates.

Cobrowsing is extremely effective for increasing online conversions: studies show that the increases are around 45% but go even further if it is integrated with audio, video or live video chat services.

This is because co-browsing allows the customer to gain a greater understanding of the digital journey and adds a further facilitating element to the customer experience. Aspect of great importance in today’s hyper-digital landscape, where it is essential that interactions with customers are increasingly efficient and engaging in order to ensure that they do not migrate towards the competition.

Customer loyalty

It is precisely on loyalty that co-browsing plays its best cards.

Let’s take a detailed look at how co-browsing can help you leave a good impression on customers and retain them.

With co-browsing, customer care can better understand customer requests, even the most complex ones, and provide fast and relevant support.

Co-browsing is the perfect solution even when contact channels, such as live chat, are not enough to resolve a problem.

1. Co-browsing helps customer onboarding

Generally, onboarding is one of the first points of contact between a customer and the brand. Thanks to co-browsing you can add a human touch to the onboarding support activities. In fact, co-browsing will make it easier for customers to understand the assistance indications and connect on an emotional level with your company.

Here are the most common onboarding issues:

• Customers can’t easily locate what they need.

• Account opening is too complex for all customers to set up on their own.

• Customers are having problems with payments due to complex checkout pages or system bugs.

Cobrowsing can prove useful in all these scenarios because it allows the brand to help customers solve those small problems that hinder their conversion, whatever it is.

With co-browsing you can:

Find immediate solutions to problems and guarantee shorter waiting times.

Work more productively, saving time and resources for clients and the team.

• Give remote support to customers, especially those unfamiliar with technology, to complete purchases, registration processes, etc.

2. Co-browsing engages customers visually

Visual engagement is key in today’s marketing landscape.

“Clients today prefer easy and effective engagement. More than a quarter (32%) of our brand clients used screen sharing for customer service in 2016, and 32% used video chat. Using these relatively new visual engagement tools is a key trend in customer service because it strengthens the connection with the customer.” (Forrester)

It seems clear that visual engagement has several advantages. Let’s take a look at some of them:

• Increase website conversion rates through interactive conversations that take place in real time.

• Improve the quality of customer service by facilitating quick and effective responses.

• Enables you to walk customers through the sales funnel with appropriate insights into the value proposition of your product or service.

• Increases up-selling and cross-selling possibilities, facilitating customization and adapting the solution to customers’ needs.

All of this also ends up having a direct effect on customer retention. In fact, visual engagement increases company retention rates by 7.6% annually.

3. Co-browsing increases the quality of conversions

Co-browsing is a tool that can increase website conversions by up to 45%. The results can be even more dramatic if this technology is used in conjunction with live chat, video or audio services.

In practice, co-browsing adapts and complements existing CRM systems.

Acquire conducted a study evaluating the impact of co-browsing on conversions. The data before the implementation of co-browsing is as follows:

• Live chat led to a 32% increase in conversions.

• Audio channels saw a 28% increase in conversions compared to chat.

• Video communication has seen a 56% increase in conversions compared to chat.

While these statistics already seem impressive, the results improve significantly with the introduction of co-browsing:

• Co-browsing plus chat: Increased conversions by 69% over chat

• Co-browsing more audio: 78% increase in conversions compared to chat

• Co-browsing more videos: 138% increase in conversions compared to chat

Another unique aspect of co-browsing is its ability to resolve issues on the first call and thus avoid keeping customers waiting. This aspect is particularly important because it will lead customers to increase their trust in the brand.

Providing personalized assistance and immediate solutions to customers at the exact moment they need them means dramatically increasing the value of your brand in their eyes as well as differentiating yourself from the competition.

4. Co-browsing builds trust

Loyalty is the direct consequence of creating a relationship centered on trust. When you have a great relationship with your customers, they will do what they can to support your brand. The only way to ensure this valuable support is through a convenient and effective exchange between brand and customer.

Why is this important? Because as many as 46% of customers tend to leave a website if they can’t find what they’re looking for right away.

Co-browsing can ease your customers’ fears and frustrations. At the end of a single co-browsing session, they will know exactly how your website/e-commerce works and how your services or products can suit them.

In conclusion

Co-browsing offers great potential for digital business activities today. Customer engagement and satisfaction are a priority for any business and co-browsing can go a long way towards that.

So what does co-browsing do? Co-browsing makes customers more satisfied, loyal and more inclined to buy products or services on your website or e-commerce.